Things You Need to Know Before Buying A Point of Sale System

Point of Sale System There seems to be a lot of vendors out there offering a point of sale system which seems to hold a lot of promising features and other benefits. However, we can’t hide the fact that there are still many scammers and false vendors trying to manipulate us and their ultimate goal…
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September 9, 2013 0

Digital Menu Boards – An Introduction

 An Introduction Digital Menu Boards The roots of menu can be traced thousands of years ago. Ancient merchants used menus to provide a list of their goods to attract customers. Its main purpose is to gather a customer’s attention at a single glance. The classic menu board can initiate a customer interaction by two different…
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September 7, 2013 0

CCTV Systems – How Important is it to Have One

CCTV Systems Most business owners often think that security guards are enough to prevent their store from being bugged by thefts or kleptomaniacs. However, they were never truly enough to monitor everything inside your establishment. New tactics and modus operandi are being developed and planned by thefts and criminals. Sometimes, your employees are part of…
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September 5, 2013 0

Why Do You Need a Point of Sale System?

Point of Sale System In this day of ever-increasing need for quick, faster and efficient customer service, manual processing of transactions can be too tedious, inefficient and slow, and it would really affect your business performance. You must be concerned about this, especially if you are serious about doing your business. Customers would hate visiting…
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September 3, 2013 0

Using your Point of Sale Systems in the Right Way Part Two

Using your Point of Sale Systems As we have learned from the previous post last month, most of the retail owners don’t utilize the power of a POS system to its fullest. Most of the time, it was used only on its very basic level: to process transaction and record it in its simplest form.…
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September 2, 2013 0